Sunday, June 8, 2008

just another day

Sometimes we'll stumble and fail, but that's no reason to get back up and try again. We can choose our own paths because we have the brains to choose. I hope and pray that you all will choose your own correct path that Heavenly Father has in store for you. Do EVERYTHING in your power to not give into the world around you. trust me, i've learned from experience. The world does change even the most Christ like person. Dare to be different and stand for something. Besides, if you stand for nothing then you'll fall for everything. I have learned not to let other peoples comments not affect me. I am my own person and i am completly responsible for my own actions and i will accept my consequences from those actions. I'm sorry to those i have wronged, or let down an any way. Sometimes you really need to be shown what it is your doing wrong to realize you need to change. Even though you think you are being completly harmless, you are disgracing your Father in Heaven. Never say harsh words to those that critisize you. They only are trying to help you improve yourself and make you glorious in the eyes of God. Always be willing to accept your wrong and admit it. And never be afraid to change. Change can be the best gift we recieve next to agency. Don't let contention run your life. Take charge and change