Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Life has been sort of discouraging lately...

I'm not happy here in Texas. It just sucks because Trent has friends and I don't. None of his friends are married. I don't go anywhere to meet anyone because we have no money and I can't leave the girls. I'm stuck in the house all the time. And even if I wanted to do something, theres absolutely nothing to do here! I would love to go back to St Louis with my mom but I don't want to leave Trent and take the girls away. It's not his fault I'm not happy here. I wasn't expecting it to be easy at all so I'm trying not to complain. Hopefully once the girls get older things wont be as bad.

I can't wait for the wedding to get here already. Then I can finally stop stressing over money and everything else. It's nuts! We are so freakin` poor right now and it's my fault cause of all the planning. We still owe over 1,000. Ugh, I don't know what were gonna do.

Anyways, girls are doing great! Getting so big! There SO close to rolling. All they do is talk and say their little baby babbles. It's so cute.But it's so loud haha and only gonna get louder!

I can't wait....