Sunday, May 18, 2008

i hate my pride...

So today i woke up in a blah mood. Probably cause i slept till 11. I started talking to Trent so i started feeling better and i got ready for church. I got on facebook and saw that he had gotten on my profile and i don't care that he does but it's like he's looking for something. I don't know. So he read one of my honesty box messages and i guess it upset him, idk. It makes me sad that people think I'm just using him. I love him very much and just because it doesn't say were dating on facebook doesn't mean my feelings change. It's quite sad..those people that base everything off facebook. Get a life. So yeah, then we kinda got in an argument about him being upset and not telling me about it and he thought i said i didn't love him anymore. Ugh, it's been a long morning. Were better now. I apologized and so did he. I just feel blah all the time and i hate it because i know why but i guess i just don't care or my pride gets the best of me, I'm not sure which, probably both. So i went to church this morning and as i was sitting in sacrament i felt the spirit and i knew that something was going to be said that i needed to hear today and that i needed to listen so i put my phone away and my bishop got up and started speaking.

I know when i wonder from the truth i know he is there beside me. Every time i try and walk alone think i can make it on my own and i fall when i begin, he's there to lift me up again. Even in the deepest darkest night, the hands hold the torch high. I was born to keep it burning bright, i was made to fly, i was made to shine. Child of light. I know i wont ever be alone and i wont bear my burdens on my own. Where there is fear, love will take control and lead me on. i was made to fly, i was meant to shine, child of light. Bishop said there were things we needed to do:

1.Repent- choose a different course and start today. don't wait, your only hurting yourself. When we do wrong, we feel bad so we remove ourselves from everyone and isolate ourselves. We live alone in our room and distance ourselves from our friends and people that care about us. Get a blessing, talk to your roommates because they love you and are your best friends. Live with those who love and care for you. Decide your going to do good. You feel bad because you know deep down, wickedness never was happiness.
2.Prayer- Find the light. Turn to him in prayer and let him know you are on course and intend to do the right things. He is only waiting for us to communicate with him and come unto him in prayer. He desires us to come home.
3. Service- Give back to others what they have done for you. Or just because you know its the love of Christ. Look to them and comfort them, give them your time and effort. Don't be selfish. Be someone else's hope. We've all been there when we need someone.
4. Work- Don't become idle. Do something get some work done. Do the things that your supposed to. Work is our blessing. Get proper sleep and health habits. Then when the time calls for it, study hard.
5. Read scriptures- every day and night. get a blessing and most importantly, BE ONE! Read your blessing in the time of need and pay attention to what it says. Fasting. Come with a prayerful heart and a willing mind. Choose your music carefully and most importantly...
6. ENDURE TO THE END- Press on and be noble. Set your goals and draw on the power from heaven. In the end, it will be okay and you'll be happy. If it's not okay and your not happy, it's not the end. Always remember to choose the savior. Because if you haven't chosen him when the time comes, it wont matter what you chose.

I took all those notes over my cell phone cause i forgot my journal. ha ha. I really miss Trent's just one of those days i guess....tomorrow will be better. <3

Randi Rochelle.