Tuesday, May 20, 2008

im only me whenever im with you...

So last night i had a freakY dream. My grandma was sitting at this table with other people but i couldn't make out their faces. (my grandma died 7 years ago). I walked up to her and i was like grandma look and i showed her a picture of this baby girl and she was like wow Randi she's beautiful I was like thanks grandma that's my niece. I woke up this morning and freaked out because i don't know who my niece is going to be. My brother is having a yeah. I havn't dreamed about my grandma since right after she passed away. FREAKY!

So today in my BOM class we talked about spiritual deprivation. My teacher said that its hard to have a celestial testimony when you live a terrestrial life in a telestial world. i really thought about that and how it applies in my life. Then he told us that 75% of LDS members go inactive for a year or so sometime throughout their life. It happens to most between the ages 14-20. People in our class told stories about how they went inactive for a few years or so and how they eventually came back because they werent happy and couldnt stand it anymore. It was a big testimony builder for me to hear that other people feel and think and go through the same things that i do. today was just great!! im in such a good mood. :D anyways, hope everyones day is awesome!!!